Monday, 1 July 2013

i Love Yoga because...........

When I hear people saying I'm not flexible enough or I'm not good at yoga because they can't bend like a rubber band , I always wish that they could understand yoga in a different way. Becoming the bendiest version of ourselves is really not what yoga is about!!!

I love Yoga because yoga opens me up to understand myself better and feel the special connectedness to the self, to others and the world. 

Yoga is an art that can have great meaning and insight to those drawn to it, I really like Max Strom's interpretation of Yoga from " A Life worth Breathing"   I hope you like it too!!!
"Two people are practicing side by side. One is stiff and struggling in a posture, barely able to open up his hips, struggling away, but he is not letting it bother him. Instead, he feels calm in this difficult moment, centered in deep breathing. Then there is a second person next to him, able to wrap his legs around his neck, but breathing erratically, thinking negative thoughts. Whose practice is better? Flexibility is not the aim; it is a side effect. The postures are the raft to get you to the other side of the river. This is not a competition in boating. We want to get to the other side of the river—that is the aim. If you find joy and you are living a meaningful life, then you are becoming good at yoga."