Saturday 29 October 2011

Good Posture Exercise 3

Exercise 3 Tadasana-Mountain Pose-improves posture, can relieve back and neck pain

1) Come to standing with big toes touching or feet a small distance apart.
2) Lift up your toes and spread them as wide as possible and place them back on the floor. Lift up your heels and gently place them back down. Gently rock forwards and backwards and then push through the four corners of your feet so that you have a solid foundation.
3) Draw your thighs inwards, causing the knee caps to rise and tuck your tailbone in.
4) Slightly draw the belly in and the breast bone down.
5) Widen the collarbones and check that the shoulders are in line with the hips.
6) Lengthen the neck  and allow the crown of the head to rise towards the ceiling.
7) Tip: It’s best to start practising this pose with your back against the wall and place a block/book between the thighs so you can feel the rotation of the thighs inwards.
8) Take some gentle and slow inhales and exhales through the nose and stay in this pose for a few minutes to feel the benefits.

Good posture is easy with simple exercises!

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