Thursday 23 August 2012


Taking time out every week during pregnancy is really important to help prepare your body and mind for birth and motherhood. Joining a Pre-Natal Yoga class gives you the time to bond with your baby. A woman experiences so many physical and emotional changes throughout pregnancy and during labour and Pre-natal Yoga offers some valuable exercises and techniques that can help through this exciting time.

I'm offering some free Pre-Natal Yoga classes as a taster to a Pre-Natal Yoga course that will be running in Essentials Holistic Centre, Malahide. The Pre-Natal Yoga course teaches gentle exercises that helps increase blood volume, oxygen and nutrients to your baby.   Anyone in their second and third stages of pregnancy can enjoy pre-natal classes. Regular practice of asanas taught in Pre-Natal yoga will help you to conserve energy and cope with confidence, stamina and strength to the demands of pregnancy and labour.

In addition to learning beneficial yoga exercises, the Pre-Natal Yoga course offered ,I will focus on Correct Breathing and Relaxation techniques. It will be a blissful hour a week! that works towards ensuring a more comfortable pregnancy and labour for you and your baby.
Feel good and Enjoy your pregnancy !
Free Pre-Natal Yoga Classes are running on Tuesday, 28th August at 10.30am and Thursday, 30th August at 6.30pm in 
Essentials Holistic Centre, 
New Street Mall, 

Places are limited so advance booking is required by contacting or calling 085 7234 310.

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