Saturday 29 October 2011


Did you know a healthy spine is a healthy body? Good posture is so important. If you ever notice someone with good posture, you will see that they look healthy and full of vitality.  But it’s not just the exterior of a person that benefits from good posture.  The health benefits of good posture are just as bountiful to the interior body.
Good posture means the correct amount of weight is being distributed throughout the body so the internal organs can work efficiently. There is less tension and strain on the body so the body has more stamina and energy and a stronger immune system.
Poor posture is so common and due to our sedentary lifestyles, we spend hours in work in front of computers, at home in front of the TV or driving in uncomfortable car seats. Strain on the body from bad posture can result in neck and back aches and pains, decreased energy levels and in the long term poor posture can really deteriorate your health.
The great news is that poor posture can easily be transformed into Good Posture= Healthy Spine =Happy Body J
Simple exercises can change your posture and enhance your health!  Your spine, your body and you will feel all the better for them. These three yoga exercises can be done at your desk! at home or anywhere and only take a few minutes!
Easy and Simple Exercises to help your posture and your body!

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